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Lockdown Day #57 : Better Photography

I can't call this post good photography as opposed to bad photography because it is still not good, though very much improved. At least, now I don't cringe when I look at it hah..hah...

The quality of the photos that I take very much depend on (i) the lighting, I only use natural light (ii) the dish, some are more photogenic than others, and (iii) my mood. 

Among my many better photos, I think I like this one the best. Naturally, it had to be My Favorite Roasted Chicken. Which reminds me, I haven't roasted any chicken in recent times have I?

And not forgetting my Homemade Nando's Chicken though I now find this photo a bit too clinical. Tsk! 

What about my Chargrilled Vegetables? Food on a tray lined white white baking paper tend to look quite nice. One of the reasons is light reflected by the white paper.

Ah! I miss my homemade desserts. These Blueberry Cheesecake in Jars were so delightful but no, I haven't made any in ages. 

Now looking at these pictures, how I long for a Cheesecake in a Jar

This Burnt Cheesecake has been number one on my all time favorites side bar for the longest time. Once again, the white baking paper did a nice job reflecting light onto the cake.

This is one of the few photos that I do with props, my Peanut Butter Cheesecake Bars. It is very tedious (I find) to shoot photos with props because it is very time consuming to arrange all the stuff and make sure that they complement each other.

What looks good with your naked eye will look different through the camera lens and that leads to having to rearrange the props. Very frustrating. These days I don't bother. Just take the photo of the main object.

This Nasi Goreng Sardin is one of those rare photos that turned out quite well due to the colors. I was also lucky that the sunlight that day was just right to give me the correct level of brightness.

This Nasi Ulam probably needed a little more color to make it pop. Perhaps a little bit more bunga kantan would have been nice.

Yellow is a very hard color to photograph and I think the curry leaves and bits of chili helped to make this Salted Egg Yolk Chicken photograph better. 

I won't say this photo is nice but I put it up here only because this Peanut Butter Banana Cake is probably the most complicated cake that I have baked and also one of my most favorite cakes to eat.

I shall always remember the first Peanut Butter Banana Cake that I attempted. I wonder if I will ever have the mojo to pull another stunt like this. Just thinking about it, I feel tired. This must be a sign of getting old.

I still remember how good these Cheddar Biscuits were especially warm for the oven. Gosh, I want one right now. 

But I am better off eating this Banana Yogurt Smoothie Bowl which is not only delicious with all those toppings but so pretty to look at. Don't you agree?

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