Well with the addition of Allies I thought about what was missing from my army of elite Space Marines and I've decided to add some elite Eldar Corsairs to this force as one of my allies. I will get some Guard at some point to add some meat shields to my force but for now Eldar it is.

I've run up 2 lists for this force, one to be run as Harlequins with 2 Corsair Princes in Counts as roles, one an Avatar Of The Laughing God the other as a Solitaire, The Avatar gets a body guard of course, and a Void Dreamer as a lead Shadow Seer. Just having a quick look on the games Workshop web site and I'm thinking of making this focre more from the Blood Bowl teams than Guardians or Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors, but Harlequins are step 2. Step 1 is the Corsiar force,I ran this up at work last night; Corsair Prince with Blade Sworn bodyguard and a Venom, Harlequin squad as elites, Corsair Squad, Wasp War Walker Squadron

A Hornet Squadron to give me some fast moving high strength big guns

And I was thinking of throwing the Harlequins into the Firestorm Falcon as that does have a small transport capacity

This army as I worked it out last nigh comes in to 1536 points which I think is fairly shiny as I can use it as a stand alone force as well as allies. The down side is a fair amount of this is going to be coming from Forge World and I did some quick sums last night and with just the walkers and grav tanks this force is going to cost over £250.
I've also spent a couple of days talking to people on Facebook about this idea getting opionions and that and I've named them the Vardar Corsair Brotherhood so keep an eye out for the Vardar tag.
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