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Well then . . .

this is what has been happening for the past few weeks . . .
I will lead off in pictures and fill you in at the end . . .

Graduation of youngest grand . . .
Flower arranging at my daughters . . .
No rain for weeks . . .
High winds . . .
Very warm . . . like HOT!
Sweet three old . . . it's the little things . . . sometimes just a picture . . .
A birthday . . . seventy plus eight . . .
Dinner with work friends . . .
Fresh Peonies from my dear friend Barb . . .
Watercolor classes . . . I painted none of these watercolor . . .
Love the Hollyhock Springtime watercolor hand made card from my dear friend Donna . . .
Many cards . . . a butterfly, home made card, from my dear friend Missy . . .
Graduation open house at Jordon's home . . . friends, family . . . many . . .
My 6'5" son Scott playing with great grands, Elijah, one and Oakland three . . .
More watercolor favorites . . . gives me ideas and encourages me forward . . .
All of this happening in my world . . . yet I was in a bit of a standstill . . .
Pinched nerve in my back stopped me in my tracks . . . the weeds grow, flowers wait to be planted . . .
Good news though . . . I am better than yesterday . . .
walking came to a halt . . .
yesterday I walked a bit further than the driveway . . .
YAY . . .

Coffee with friends this morning left me with a "to read" list . . .

Lilac Girls
The Kitchen House
The Invention of Wings
Hand Maids Tale
The Perfune Collector
The Song of Heart Grove Hall
The Man Called Ove
Bare Town

Keep some periwinkle in your days . . .
Love ~

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