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Rebel Army List for Hail Caesar V1.1


After a long hiatus from this project, I am definitely re-engaged thanks to a couple of threads on the Lead Adventure Forum which in turn seems to have been sparked by the Baron's Wars skirmish game. I've also enjoyed immensely the new Ridley Scott medieval historical epic, The Last Duel - in fact I'm rockin' the soundtrack as I type.

Since my posting to Tonga for 3.5 years and the departure of my mate Matt for France, it has been a solo effort but now my good mate and erstwhile enemy Grant (the miniature menace) has expressed an interest. Frankly, any unit anyone want's to do to progress this is just one more I don't have to build and paint ... not that I don't enjoy it.

What's truly alarming and slightly perverse is how long I've been chipping away at this. In the meantime, I've changed painting styles (slightly), the way I base armies and most importantly, the rules I prefer. Whilst still enormously fond of WAB, it's not my primary vehicle as I've converted to full-blown Black Powder, Pike and Shotte and of course Hail Caesar.

I put the final orders in for this Rebel army this week and will put brush to figure before the year is out. Before returning to work in 2022, I swear I'll finish this army and the final figure will be the great man himself, Simon de Montfort.

In keeping with my conversion, I spent the better part of yesterday translating my army lists and amending them to Hail Caesar. I am now uploading them to Google Docs in the crazy notion that anyone else will be interested. So, I offer the new list to you if you've read this far. Please feel free to click on the link and download if you feel the need.

I'm satisfied that this list is done - there's a lot of research behind it. Of course, the inclusion of my Bishops is wildly speculative but not beyond the realms of possibility that they took the field on the day - but I doubt it. It's an option that's really just a bit of fun.

Rebel Army Lewes for Hail Caesar V1.1

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