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British Romance Comics: Love Story Picture Library 1333 - "Drop-out"

Having said recently that I saw a significant difference between British and American romance comics, I have to eat my words now. This short story is from 1976's Love Story Picture Library #1333. I've no idea who the artist is, although there are some things about it that remind me of a crude version of something Demetrio might have drawn. The story runs pretty much true to the sort of simple and well-tried plot you'd find in contemporary Charlton romance books from this side of the pond. It's one of those 'he turns out to be not quite what he initially seems to be' stories about a respectable and fairly level-headed girl who falls for a beach bum. See what you think.

Seven pages doesn't provide much room to develop the plot, so it succeeded in covering quite some ground in an economical sort of way. I'm not sure where this beach is supposed to be - somewhere in the UK probably, since it's a British comic. Even with Britain's varied coastline, there are few places where you have sand, rocky cliffs, sand dunes, and the right kind of waves for surfing, but it would probably have to be the South-West (e.g. Cornwall), or even South Wales maybe. I wish there was a version of Overstreet for these comics, something that identified artists. It would be a daunting task to compile such a tome, and may even be near impossible for European comics at this point in time.

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