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Nathan’s wrap up

Well I’ve been a busy boy the last week or so finishing off figures - basically so I had full units per the chaos army list in Warhammer armies. I’ve taken pics of those newly painted figures plus the army as a whole as it now stands. I have no idea what the points value of the army would be to be honest - it would have to be well over 5000 I suspect given I played a game of 3rd edition with half the figures a few years back and had no trouble getting 3000 points then. And that was before I have painted up any of the thugs, beastmen and most of the chaos warriors and I only used the chaos dwarf artillery. Anyway enough crapping on from me - here are the army pics:

The entire army with me in my retro VFL jumper and Oilers hat!
Thug archer command group
More thug archers
A couple of very old beastmen
More beastmen
Chas dwarves to finish some of my units off
Chas warrior and marauder standard and a beast master
Mounted warriors

And here are all the units as they now stand:

Two greater demons and a jabberwock
Thugs or marauders with heavy armour, shields and hand weapons
Thugs or marauders with heavy armour and double handed weapons
Slaanesh I chaos warriors or legionnaires - the later for RoC daemonic battles
Thugs with light armour, shields and hand weapons
Summoned demons 
Hippogriff and manticore
Thug archers - just need to finish the commander!
Chaos sorcerers
Thugs with light armour and double handed weapons
Khornate chaos warriors/legionnaires 
Chaos dwarves with heavy armour, shields and hand weapons
Chaos dwarves with heavy armour and double handed weapons 
Chaos dwarf crossbows 
Unaligned chaos warriors
Chaos dwarf artillery
Mounted warriors
Marauders or thugs
Chaos centaurs
Chaos hounds

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