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Weekly Wrap-Up 12/8

Good morning all.  Here we are one week into December.  My goodness the time is just flying by.  We will be celebrating a brand new year in just a few short weeks.

This past week has brought us some sunshine, which has greatly been appreciated.  We actually got a few days of sun and that doesn't happen much in December.  It is commonly known in our area to be the cloudiest and darkest month of the year.  We even had decent temps.  Momma and Fluffy (outside cats) sure have enjoyed the nicer temps and the sunshine!  They love playing and rolling around and sunning!  Things, they are going to be a changing!  Rain comes in tomorrow, and then the bottom drops out for a few days and we get a huge blast of cold!  Yep, it is winter in Indiana!

My week:
  • Made a batch of squirrel treats - they sure do love them
  • Cleaned and organized the freezer in the frig
  • On Monday I froze the leftover turkey breast 
  • Made soup (turkey/rice/veggie) and froze much of it as well
  • Made a big feed store run
  • Cleaned and polished the kitchen cabinets
  • Ordered the jerky and summer sausage that is given as gifts every year.  Ordered on Tuesday from Ohio and received it on Friday
  • Did a little bit more small item gift shopping 
  • Got my printer working again
  • NO grocery store this week
  • Made some more jar recipes up for gifting
  • Dealing with Medicare/Soc. Security this week trying to get things set up.  I have been in tears a lot, nothing was working out.  Finally figured out the problem and now have to go into the office instead of doing this on-line (that will be a post of it's own!)  NOTHING is as easy as they claim!!!
  • In trying to do above with Medic./Soc. Sec. I went through tons more paper work and tried to organize it
  • I did buy the trim paint for the inside of house.  I haven't started painting yet - but I have it!
  • Went to a family get together and dinner at my nieces.  Nice afternoon/evening and got to see another niece from out of state (rode with my brother/sil).  Got to enjoy seeing some pretty Christmas lights on the way home - haven't done that in years.
  • Doing all the regular stuff

Meals this past week:
Turkey/nacho cheese open face sandwich melt
Turkey/rice/veggie soup (homemade)
Chopped beef patty and fried potatoes
2 mini cheese burgers on leftover dinner rolls and some chips
Chicken bites and fresh cauliflower/carrots/olives with ranch dressing
Sausage/egg sandwich and a milk shake
Dinner at my nieces - lasagna and salad

I know I accomplished things this week, but it doesn't feel like it.  So much of the week was just downright frustrating!  Oh well.  Live and learn.
I hope this coming week is productive.  I will try to get this Medicare thing done and hope to get what shopping I need to do - finished.  I need to get the cards done as well - that didn't happen last week!

How was your week?  Are you ready for Christmas?  Any great frugal deals this week?

I pray for you and yours and hope you all stay well and safe.  Be happy, be healthy, and be frugal my friends.  God bless you all.
Blessings from my humble little home to yours.

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