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Dear Online Nerd Diary,

Today, the fifth day of the fourth month of the year 2007, the Internal Revenue Service sent me a letter. After taking a second to let my testicles drop back out of my torso, I opened the envelope to find that my initial pants-shitting at getting mail marked "Internal Revenue Service" these two months after I've filed my tax return were unwarranted. The friendly folks at the Eye Arr Ess were reminding me, in this letter post marked March 30, that it is terribly quick and efficient to file your tax return via e-file, and that only a fool would choose to file any other way.

Only a fool, indeed!

Also, I do not end enough of the phrases I speak on a day-to-day basis with the word "indeed."

My goal for this week is to win the war on wordlessness, and work that wayward, wily word into a more promising and prominent position in my lacking, laggard, lazy lexicon.


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