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The Lincoln Project Goes After Another GOP Scalp-- In Alaska

As you may know, I love the work the Lincoln Project does, especially their attacks on Trump, which are very harsh and very effective and, by all reports, driving Trump insane. The Lincoln Project, I should mention, is made up of conservative Republicans (and in some cases, conservative ex-Republicans) who, generally speaking, would like to overturn women's Choice, slash government regulation of predatory businesses, Make War Not Love and gut Social Security and Medicare. Other than that... I love these guys. They're doing a better job than the DNC eviscerating Señor Trumpanzee.

And they've been going after Republican senators too. Those ads seem, generally, more half-hearted and less... bloodthirsty. There was an exception with their Arizona ads against weak, appointed incumbent Martha McSally. Those were the kind of killer, vicious ads we expect from these GOP operatives-turned-anti-GOP. But most of the Senate ads were more like this Steve Bullock ad-- decent but not awesome-- nor even memorable. They don't even mention his opponent, Steve Daines, just flash a photo of him. The overall, anti-Republican senators ad was good and up to their high standards, but the specific ones... not so much. And they released another one like that today. This ad-- up top-- against for Independent Al Gross looks like it will be very effective in a soft, friendly way, but... no mention of Sullivan, Gross' Trump-loving GOP opponent. (I just saw the ad they released attacking Susan Collins this morning. This is what I call kickass)

I understand that they bought almost 2,000 points of prime airtime that will saturate Alaska all week, sure to knock the already unpopular Sullivan on his ass, especially with Gross running his own very powerful ad right now as well (below). An average voter has to see an ad at least 10 times for it to have an impact; the Lincoln Project's 2,000 points will amount to an average of 17 points. That has some meaning, especially with a candidate like Gross who hasn't run for office before and has relatively low name recognition.

I'm just spitballing here but I was wondering why the Lincoln Project did such good ads against McSally and and a pretty strong one for Gross, while just going through the motions on many of the other Republican senators. Then one of the principals' name popped in my head, Steve Schmidt. He's probably the one overseeing the ads; that's his specialty. And he was de-facto McCain campaign manager. He probably loathes the fact that McSally is sullying McCain's old seat with her supine, spineless obeisance to Trump... but what about Sullivan? That's more interesting and nuanced.

Schmidt's worst moment was the "credit" he gets for persuading McCain to make the absolutely catastrophic Sarah Palin running mate choice. That became the blackest mark against Schmidt in his entire political career. And, on one level, it was Dan Sullivan's fault. I'm guessing that this ad was the payback, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Schmidt asked his cool pal Karl Rove for his suggestion for a running mate. Rove, who is close to Sullivan's wealthy parents in Ohio, suggested Schmidt talk to their son, who was serving under like known Alaska Governor Palin as her Attorney General. Schmidt called Sullivan who persuaded him Palin would be a solid candidate... and that was the end of the McCain campaign and, for some time, Schmidt's reputation.

How lucky is Al Gross! I can't wait for the follow up to the soft one. I suspect the next Lincoln Project ad in Alaska is going to be more...cutting edge (and throat cutting for Dan Sullivan). I notice they put down another $580,000 in TV ad buys and I bet it isn't for this soft, getting-to-know-you ad. (So that's a cool million bucks Steve Schmidt is throwing against the guy who foisted Sarah Palin on him! And a million bucks on Alaska media is a lot of money.)

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