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Honk Jr.

Before Christmas our grandson, Aidan, at the encouragement of his teacher, auditioned for a part in a children's workshop production, Honk Jr. His teacher's daughter is involved in the community theater where this was being performed and she helped him a great deal with being prepared. Well, he got a part! He was so excited. Then the practices started and continued for weeks and weeks. He was a busy young man! Last Sunday we finally got to see him perform. It was the last show. We loved it! The message was so timely. 

This is a message in the program written by the director. 

Love this!

Before the show started. 

Our Aidan came out of one of those eggs on stage. 

Susquehanna Stage Company is a local community theater. It's in an old brick barn-like building. Old, unique, cozy, artsy.....I loved it! 

I also loved the show!! They did such a great job. I didn't take any pictures during the show of course....but I would have loved to. The costumes for all the animals were so creative. Costumes were regular clothes, and colors and style were unique to the animal it portrayed. So cool. 

The show is over and we are ready to congratulate our little actor....everyone was ready to do the same for those they came to see. 

Our duckling, Billy! Looks like a duck, doesn't he?

How about those shoes??

With his sister....it was her birthday that day. She was given a gift from some aunts, uncles, and cousins. Nice!

Checking out her goods with her cousin, Ainsley! 

Aidan and his mom. 

The girl in green next to Aidan was a frog. I loved the frogs!!

That's me talking to Aidan. We gave him a pack of Oreo's instead of candy....he had already gotten a lot! 

The young man in white (background center) played Ugly. He was fantastic! I think his family was sitting around us. Wishing I had known that before it was over....would have loved to congratulate them! 

Checking out his goods =)

Corey, our son and Aidan's Dad, ran one of the spotlights for all the performances. That's something he did in high school and hasn't had an opportunity since. He and Aidan also helped build sets. Volunteers are vital for these shows!

Showing Noah the spotlight after it's over. 

Noah likes it up there!

Hi, Nana!

We can't wait to see Aidan perform again....hopefully many, many times! 

Today is March 1. Yeah! I like March. March 1 is a particularly special day because in 1982 I gave birth to our only son! We were absolutely delighted to have a son after 2 daughters. Of course it was all girls after him...after his twin sisters he gave up on a brother...good thing because he ended up with yet another sister =) 

Since I'm writing this on my phone I can't look up pictures. I'll repost one from this week....

Corey with his three kids lighting the candles on Zoe's birthday cake. 

This is what I made him today....Chocolate Pudding Pizza!

Happy Birthday, Corey! 

Our youngest grandson keeps growing. So hard to believe he's already 2 1/2 months old. 

His mommy posted this picture on Facebook this week. 

Precious boy!!

I had the privilege of holding him in church on Sunday. I snuggled him while he slept then enjoyed his awake time. 

Love him!! Don't you just want to kiss those chubby checks?? 

Today we got some good news about our friend (mother of one of Ellens friends) who has been seriously ill since before Christmas. She has made some remarkable improvements and we are SO thankful!! Praise God, Praise God! 

Well, this post was a work in progress all day! So many interruptions but that's ok. Thursday is laundry day for me and I usually have a little boy to take care of. Ellen also goes to work on Thursday's. That means I need to be sure she has lunch, I comb her hair and make sure she's ready when the taxi comes to get her. A mother's (Nana's) work is never done =) 

Good night and God Bless! For those who are getting heavy rain and/or high wind (we are getting rain and high wind), may God keep us safe! 

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