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Glorious sunshine

Well we have had two days of glorious sunshine here in the frozen north.  The wind has been bitterly cold but exhilarating and it's lovely to see how light it is at 07:00. This means that my friend and I are starting to head out a little earlier each day. I am also doing a Leslie Sansone workout pretty much every day and it's making a noticeable difference to my waistline as clothes are starting to fit me once again. The pounds are at long last starting to disappear and though I am a very long way from my target weight I am starting to feel that the effort is worth it.
Next week I am having my eyelashes dyed and curled.  I've never been one for pampering sessions and certainly never had this done before so I am quite looking forward to it. If it makes a noticeable difference I'll have it done before Alexander's wedding. If it doesn't then I won't bother. Have any of you lovely bloggies had your eyelashes tinted and curled before? I had a patch test earlier today and haven't seen any adverse reaction  so fingers crossed it doesn't make all my lashes drop out.

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