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Finished: "Brody's Ghost: collected edition" by Mark Crilley

 Finished: Brody's Ghost: collected edition, by Mark Crilley, 2016, 9781616559014.

Comic book novel. I was able to read this one but novels have been a no-go since March, 2020.

Set in a massive and degrading super-sized metro area that Crilley based off several cities. I like the guy's artwork quite a bit.

Brody is a shiftless dude stuck in depression in a one-room apartment. He's still stuck on his ex-girlfriend and makes money with a sometimes part-time job and by busking with his guitar. He's on the sidewalk with his guitar one day when the ghost of a teenage girl appears and tells him she needs his help. That a serial killer is at work and he - and his newly discovered talents of seeing the supernatural - need to get to work to stop the killer.

Fun stuff and aimed at a YA audience - this isn't Ed Brubaker. The ghost is a snotty teen girl. Brody is suffering through a depressive episode and stumbling through his "investigation".

There are: 

-martial arts training session with ghosts.

-a teen ghost with tight shirts.

-extra creepy stalking of ex-girlfriend.

-untrustworthy and misleading characters.

-neat artwork.

-fight scene artwork that I did not like with text like BWOOOOAM.

-family grief after the inexplicable murders of young women.


1. I was in a used bookstore with both children's over the summer that had a collected copy of Crilley's Akiko comics series. I'm thinking I should have bought it.

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