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Done and Not Done....

The Circle of the Year

Well, Dear Readers, I hope you don't mind being presented with the Annual Christmas Card drawing so late that it is already well into 2017! Late is so late this year, it could almost be early for next! But alas, I know that by November of this year, I will be well into the process of trying to "capture" the year in yet Another card. Some years are just not easy to organize into any sort of pattern, and this year's composition was a struggle for me! And to top it all off, the subject was not easy to draw and then paint....! You are all familiar with the Real subject, The Lovely Old Dollhouse. Above you can see my rendering, flawed though it is. And with it, I wish you All (again!) A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Don't forget, you can poke the picture for an up close view! Or better yet, right click and open in a separate tab for a real zoom-in...!) And now that I have that task accomplished..... Perhaps I can get back to whatever it was I was doing before..... hmmmm.... what was I working on? The Tiny Secret Christmas House? It is still nowhere near finished. Especially if I insist on adding so many tiny trims and mouldings to each room....

But if I work diligently on it now.... after Christmas..... 
it might just be ready by Next Christmas!

After spending the Weekend trying to put away 
all the Christmas decorations in my RL house 
and the mini houses, I had a tiny bit of Time left.....
So I glued on the roof papers for the Secret Christmas House.
I couldn't remember what order I needed to follow with the windows 
and the exterior wall papers for the left side 
of the House pull-out section! 
I almost goofed and put the wall paper on 
before gluing the windows in place!
So the exterior wall papers are still not glued onto the left side.
And then I realized that there would be a strip of the roof edges 
that would not be covered by the papers,
 and needed to be painted as close a color as I could manage 
to the greens of the papers, Before gluing on the paper!
That was all I managed to get done!
 As for all those other projects, Dear Readers,
 half finished or just begun.....
Like me, Pollyanna is eager to get busy!
She even received some new Kits as Christmas Gifts......
(Thank you again, Dear Birgit!)

Can you see them there in the plastic sleeve.... 
those wonderful little laser-cut furniture kits?
Oh, those will be fun to assemble!
But there might be a little problem......

It seems that, like Me, Pollyanna might have a shortage of Space 
for working on her one two three or is it four dollhouses!
I guess One of the tasks for the New Year just might have to be 
making some Progress on Pollyanna's Studio!
So there you can see, Dear Readers, 
the way it works around here.... 
Something always needs to be done 
Before something else can be done!
But whether it is Done or Not Done,
As we go round the Circle of the Year
The Doing is the Fun!

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