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A Quiet Day!!!

It's very quiet here today on our small estate. Very unusual as we can normally hear children playing, mowers mowing and drills drilling somewhere....but I am not complaining.

A lunch of roast beef has been cooked and thoroughly enjoyed and the joint was large enough to fill two trays with leftover sliced meat and gravy for a couple of future meals and they have gone into the freezer.
While I was cooking DD has been doing the laundry and has just one more load to do. That means I can get on with other jobs tomorrow and not have to keep checking to see if the machines need emptying so I am one grateful Momma.
Andy has washed the pots and is just putting them away for me and then DD and I will take over the kitchen as a hair salon so that she can dye my hair so that I look half decent when we go to the quilt show next Sunday.
Once we are done I expect we will start a new season of 24 as there is nothing on tv on a Sunday evening that we enjoy at the moment.
So all in all a nice peaceful and relaxing day today and then all hell will be let loose next week as I battle to catch up with the many things that haven't been done while Andy has been at home.
Looking forward to getting my house back for a couple of weeks before DD has some annual leave.

Hope you are having a lovely day.

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