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A Quick Note On Videos, Progressives, and Islamic Terrorists

I am writing another, perhaps overly convoluted piece on the relationship between Islamic terrorists and progressives, so this will be just a quick note.

As remarked before, Hillary R. Clinton and the DNC, in general, have an obsession with videos. They ascribe all sort of powers to video, most notably the power to warp otherwise peaceful minds into seething cesspools of suicidal/homicidal violence. Clinton, of course, famously has claimed that a video trailer of a movie that was never made drove otherwise peaceful Muslims into attacking our off-the-books facility in Benghazi. At the last Demo debate she added to this by claiming that ISIS was using a video of Donald Trump saying Muslims should be banned from the USA as a recruiting tool.

Two observations on that, followed by a a little discourse on the Muslim mentality. At the time HRC said this, no such video existed. In other words, she made it up--what we used to call a "lie." It seems that subsequent to her saying it, some loons apparently associated with ISIS or AQ or, or, or . . . apparently have made a video in which Trump does appear saying Muslims should be banned from immigrating to the USA. The video, reportedly, also contains HRC and other American politicians. This video, which I have not seen, apparently is used as part of the Islamic recruiting effort. Now it would seem that HRC is giving ideas to the operators of the Muslim Murder Machine (3M), and, dare we say, that is probably not a good thing, no?

More important than all that, this debate shows the weirdness of the Progressive and Muslim mindsets. Progressives, of course, are greatly influenced by movies. In fact, I would say that the majority of what passes for "Progressive thought" is derived from the Hollywood version of history that they have running in an endless video loop in their heads. Listen to them talk about the economy, race relations, education, "gender equality," US history, etc., and it all forms part of some giant Hollywood script. I have discussed this before (here, and here for example) and won't go over it again. In sum, much, probably most, of what Progressives here and abroad "know" about the United States and Western Civilization, in general, comes from movies in which almost invariably the white man is evil, while women, children, and assorted brown people are good, noble, brave and, naturally, victims (you can go here, for a discussion of this) of those evil white men.

Muslims, of course, are second only to Progressives as purveyors of the grievance version of history. Islam is all about grievances, real and imagined. If only those white Christian/Jewish dudes hadn't [fill in the blank] well, we'd be rich and smart, too! The followers of Islam have a major problem. Everywhere Islam rules, innovation, creativity, and personal liberty are stifled, crushed by the totalitarian dictates of the faith. The result is misery and death with most victims being other Muslims, but with a particularly vicious wrath aimed at Jews and Christians for refusing to accept Mohammed. No video is required to stir up this wrath. The Koran and the local mosque do that quite nicely, thank you.

This latest debate also shows the oddness of the mindsets of Progressivism and Islam in yet another way. Progressives and Muslims share hatred for Western Civilization. Yet, they want to live where Western Civilization still rules. Hideous, oppressive White Western Civilization must be destroyed, but that same horrible place is where the Progressives and Muslims want to live! ISIS, to pick one Islamic group of many, makes a living proclaiming hatred for that decadent civilization, but also wants Muslims to go live there. If somebody, e.g., Trump, says, "You know, maybe you guys should stay in your own countries and enjoy the fruits of your civilization unmolested by us," well, that drives Muslims into a murderous rage. I want to go there! Yes, I want to destroy it and make it just like my wretched, fetid home, but what right do those white dudes have to keep me out?

More to follow . . .

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