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The Avengers - A Novel Idea!

Here is one of my all-time favorite Avengers images, and I cannot find out who the artist is. One source says it might be Robert McGinnis, but others suggest the artist is unknown. Does anyone know for sure?

The companion novel featuring Captain America is another outstanding cover, this one is reputedly by Mitchell Hooks according to some sources and Lou Feck according to others. Anyone know for sure?

Both of these novels, the Avengers by Otto Binder and the Cap by Ted White have virtues, though as I recollect neither reflects the Avengers exactly as we know and love them precisely as they are in the comics. It's been many years since I read these.

They are lovely objects nonetheless though.

UPDATE: Thanks to info from some kind fellows the artists have been identified. Robert McGinnis is confirmed as the artist on the Avengers cover and Peter Caras is the artist on the Cap cover. Thanks guys!

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