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Surprise! Moonlight Mesa's BEST Seller is "Northern Escape."

For quite some time, publisher Becky Coffield has advertised that Moonlight Mesa's number one seller was the humorous, nonfiction, award-winning travel adventure, Life Was A Cabaret:A Tale of Two Fools, A Boat, and a Big-A** Ocean. A careful analysis of inventory, however, reveals that the company's very first book, Northern Escape, is the number one seller!

Northern Escape, the award-winning suspense by R.L. Coffield, was originally published by Diane Helm. However, two years after Helm's publication, Moonlight Mesa assumed the book's publication and allowed the book to go out of print. "When Death in the Desert came out, which is a sequel to Northern Escape, there were A LOT of requests for Northern Escape, and so Moonlight Mesa re-issued the book.

"What has buoyed Northern Escape, is it not only sells to suspense readers, but boaters also buy the book, often in conjunction with Life Was A Cabaret.

"At most venues nowadays, Death in the Desert outsells Northern Escape, but it has a long way to go to reach the numbers that Northern Escape achieved. And, of course, Northern Escape is never far behind Death in the Desert in sales," said Coffield.

"We're most curious to see how our Western publications will line up against the suspense. We'll be doing a lot of test-marketing."

In other Moonlight Mesa news: Saving Tom Black and Reflections from the Wilderness have both been approved. ARCs are ordered, and pre-publication sales are available only online at the publisher's website: www.moonlightmesaassociates.com, or from the authors themselves. Both books officially debut this fall at the Mesa Old West Days Festival, November 7th and 8th. R.L. Coffield, Stoney Bowers and Jere D. James will all be on hand to sign their books.

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