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Steve Anderson's Fuck Doc

Lately I've been gobbling up all the docs on Veoh (a great vid site), and I finally got a chance to see Steve Anderson's Fuck.

It's your typical fare with a cast of celebrity talking heads, from writers to porn stars, as well as street interviews with the regular folks who express their experiences with the word in question. It's a playful doc in most parts, as one would expect from the subject matter...seeing a serious doc on the word fuck just wouldn't be appropriate. There are equally enough funny moments to offset some of the more indulgent cornball stuff that takes over at times, as the word causes many to erupt into adolescent indulgence, which gets tiresome pretty quick.

This film tries to be thorough and faults itself by trying to cover too much ground at times as it explores the use of fuck in nearly every context it has grown in. The analysis gets spread pretty thin as it moves from topic to topic trying to blanket every thing possible. It never really caused me to lose interest, but it made it feel as if the film was trying to do too much, when a few of the topics covered more indepthly would have sufficed.

Eventually the film turns toward obscenity laws, which is always a pet issue for me, and they cover this quite well, with a lot of current information, except it degrades at points into what feels like a typical lefty polemic against the evils of the right...not that this isn't delved into on many occasions throughout this doc, the bias is blatantly clear, but by this point they lay it on pretty thick.

There are enough dissenting views that oppose the word and obscenity as a whole, but their opposition seems comical in light of everything else and is used against them the more they oppose. Most of the time the opposition is playful enough with it all so that they don't seem as if they are totally out of touch. Pat Boone's bits are especially good. Watch it here.

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