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A close knit group of suburban housewives lose one of their own in a freak accident. Their attempts to prolong her loss result in hilarious but troubling results. And as always, the cat wins.

Shoshana Edwards is a new-to-me author, one I have never heard of before. This one popped up on my radar when a Goodreads friend added it to his TBR pile. As far as I can tell it's her only published piece and I'm glad I checked it out.

Maybe a bit on the cosy side of the genre with our main characters a group of five ageing ladies, ones with their bonds and loyalties closer to each other than their families. One of the gang perishes in an accident and rather foolishly the girls conceal the death and preserve her for one last outing, before saying goodbye. Things go to plan until they don't.

I really enjoyed this one, there's a smart twist at the end. One of the gang is the leader and we are privy to events from her perspective and we get her take on her friends, their faults and failings and her verdict on their relationships, as well as her own disappointments and frustrations with her own husband and children.

An enjoyable twenty minute read and another new author for me to keep tabs on, though it has been six years since this one first appeared.

4 from 5

Read - June, 2019
Published - 2013
Page count - 14
Source - Kindle Unlimited
Format - kindle

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