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Little Ol' New York

Yesterday was a whirlwind, but I mananged to survive. A two-and-a-half hour weather delay the night before got me to my hotel room after midnight, so I was running on less than my usual amount of sleep. Spent a couple of hours filling out paperwork, having various insurance plans explained to me, and grilling the HR people on things like banks, NY taxes, and benefits.

Then on to see my new boss and meet the rest of the staff. As would be expected in Anglican Global Relations - a very diverse, friendly group, many - it seems - with my same twisted (and I mean that in a good way) sense of humor. I feel very comfortable there.

Love my new little office - brand new, as renovations were completed the end of last year. Got a door and a window. Well, when I say window, I mean a window to a small cluster of desks outside my office, but just beyond that is a wall of windows that look onto Second Avenue. So, yes, I consider I have a window office in Manhattan!

After a brief lunch with the boss, off to look for that perfect apartment. And I found it. Right off the bat. Windows, exposed brick, bedroom fireplace, comfortable living space, great Upper East Side neighborhood (see, a saloon right across the street!) - even affordable. The guy can have his pick of tenants and I may well not make his cut, but my agent is putting in my application today, so who knows. Looked at two other unremarkable places afterward and am scheduled to go to Brooklyn to look around today. The agent and I may postpone until we file the application for the first place. I do want to continue looking because I cannot believe I would be lucky enough to find a great place right off the bat. Still, fingers crossed.

Things have been so busy that I haven't had the time to send smarty-pants comments to your blog but know I'm keeping up. Just because I'm slacking is no reason for you to do the same!

Off I go - to Brooklyn, then a little time at the office for an orientation, then more apartment hunting. Gotta keep going . . .

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