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CMBA Presents: The Films of 1939 Blogathon: "The Women" A Photo Review

"The Women" was my first choice for the Blogathon because 1) It's a great film showcasing not only gorgeous fashion by Adrian and stylish sets by Cedric Gibbons but some of our favorite female stars of the day are beyond fabulous in stand out roles, then 2) It's my mother's favorite film. So I hope you will enjoy this not so serious photo review of a classic.

The Women

Norma Shearer as Mary Haines (the first Mrs..Stephen Haines)
Joan Crawford as Crystal Allen
Rosalind Russell as Mrs. Howard Fowler (Sylvia)
Mary Boland as The Countess De Lave
Paulette Goddard as Miriam Aarons
Phyllis Povah as Mrs. Phelps Potter (Edith)
Joan Fontaine as Mrs. John Day (Peggy)
Virginia Weildler as Little Mary
Marjorie Main as Lucy
Virginia Grey as Pat (perfume counter clerk)
Ruth Hussey as Miss Watts (Stephens secretary)
Director: George Cukor
Writer: Clare Boothe Luce (play) Anita Loos
Costumes by Adrian
Set Design by Cedric Gibbons
Released by MGM studios

Let's jump right in to The Women, dedicated to my beautiful and always tasteful mother, Mearlene.

Not even a minute in and our ladies are already in a dog fight! I'm rooting for the scrappy one on the left.

We get our first glance of the glamorous day spa where dogs are dogs and the women  run room to room like cattle.  Surely this will be a relaxing day for the upper class.

This ones been caught smuggling in her own beverage. Wow, this place is strict and I'm a bit frightened.

This treatment has me a bit puzzled then theres an actual nurse applying it. Well this is a comedy so hopefully nobody will get hurt.

Somebody has a secret! I can't prove anything but I think these ladies are being experimented on.

I would feel awful for this one getting the rubber hose (her check bounced) but I went to an upscale spa in Sante Fe once and the masseuse was blind with a seeing eye dog! Of course theres nothing wrong with that other than the masseuse groping for body parts for 45 minutes and his seeing eye dog licking my toes every few seconds from under the table. Not relaxing at all and I paid cash!  

High Society's version of rock climbing!

What do you mean they've made you stay on this bike for 6 hours?... It's quite okay dear, I've had the laughing gas and I can't feel a thing.  But before you go can you tell that green monkey to get off of the bike path.

Finally a treatment room that looks safe other than the fact that these UV lamps are on the 'sun setting' and they weren't allowed eye protection.

I'm beyond certain "Silence of the Lambs" got a lot of it's inspiration from this film! Who's scared?

Grab the silver Madge while I raid the fridge! I always knew this high faluten salon would go down over those dogs! Yes, drugging patrons before making them exercise couldn't possibly draw attention.  Who wants this Banana's Foster?

I have to tell you two things! This 'hair dryer' is putting off these strange volts of electricity and I overheard  Mary Haines has husband trouble.

Sylvia being the towns gossip can't wait to let someone know that the delightful Mr. Haines is stepping out on his wife and with a perfume clerk for crying out loud.

The look on this ones face gives you an idea of just how these ladies operate.  Either that or she was also told that house of horrors better known as the fancy day spa was shut down by the humane society.

Let's check in with Mary Haines who's painfully unaware that her marriage is falling apart. (Okay, I've said this before and I hope I don't offend anyone but Norma Shearer's hairstyle is the one thing that drives me nuts about her)

She's having a lovely time with her daughter Mary.

Then she has to go and ruin it for all of us. Please stop that Norma!

I've heard my hairstyle bugs some people so going forward I'll be wearing this!

Oh look it's a note from that designer Adrian telling me that unless I can learn some fancy pool routines the Esther Williams cap has to go.

Mother, I'm not certain I can fix this. It's like trying to comb Barbie doll hair after it's sat out in the sun for a few decades. 

The ladies start arriving at Mary's so they can fain caring and compassion. 

That is the most hideous blouse Sylvia! You look like you have four eyes and none of them can see straight! And don't get me started on your posture.  

The four eyed fretter has decided to tell Mary to run down to the day spa and have her nails done by a certain manicurist who is spreading the word that Mr. Haines is stepping out.  

What do you mean that designer Adrian is having a laugh at my expense?

Mr. Haines calls to say he won't be home for dinner and we get the feeling this is a frequent event. Poor Mary.

Poor little Joan Fontaine is as oblivious as she was as Mrs. de Winter but at least she has a few fake friends this go around.

Mary arrives at the spa for her manicure but sadly her hair part has her all off kilter. Joan Fontaine would help her to her chair but she has a third grade algebra class she's late for. (I'm trying really hard to embrace these fashions)

The manicurist is talking a mile a minute and sadly it's the latest gossip about a certain Mr. Haines stepping out on his wife with a perfume clerk named Crystal.

Mary being the lady that she is decides she's had enough so she politely tips the manicurist and tries to make her exit. 

Then the manicurist notices her hair for the first time and realizes she's in fact Mrs. Haines.

Nope! It doesn't look any better from that view either but your bathroom is adorable. 

Mary confides in her mother who suggests they take a trip to the Bahamas.  

Then she drops the bombshell that Mary's father had a fling which was okay with her since it gave her more time to knit and attend the day spa for stressful and life altering treatments.

This is high society where hugs are rare and awkward 

Lets check in with Mr. Haines. I get the feeling we won't be seeing him ever. 

We get our first glimpse at the other woman, Crystal. I'm sure when she turns around she will be young and beautiful since she's the mistress.

Well okay, I was wrong about that! 

Mr. Haines is on the phone trying to cancel dinner with the lying she devil.

Virginia Grey is a stunner! I guess she was off the day Mr. Haines came in to the store.

ACK! Stop with the closeups Cukor.

Slinky and her side kick decide to head over and get a look at Crystal who wastes no time trying to blind them. (Slinky should have worn her eyeball sweater to confuse her)

Stand still Joanie and congrats on finding flattering lighting.

Sylvia, having the posture of an eel and the leftover wardrobe from "Gone With the Wind" on her side isn't one to go out classy so she makes her exit after a few digs at Crystal.

Nothing to see here! Just takin out the trash.

Over at the Haines household they're enjoying home movies of their Bahama trip.

It's time for a fashion show and the ladies are looking fantastic.

Slinky decides she's going to knit and ignore the show. Just wait until she realizes she missed the Technicolor.

Something for the patriotic tennis champ.

Oh, this is practical for your next croquette match.

I love this one! It has just the right amount of roses and detail.

Oh, it's even prettier when closed. Now thats a conversation starter. I think Adrian was having a laugh or he ran out of buttons and took it out on the mannequin.

This one would be a real stand out on the beach.

I've never been to the Hampton's but I'm guessing this would be perfect for there.  

I always get a feel for how my bathing suit will hold up by riding a sea horse around while balancing beach balls.

This one looks expensive

and complicated!

But it comes with a matching outfit for your pet monkey.

Just when I think it can't get anymore bizarre the models start throwing peanuts at the audience. 

Oh, I guess it was just a distraction while they rolled out the picnic set.

That's just too beautiful for a picnic.

I hope they have this one in orange!

This one brought flowers and she wants everyone to know it. 

Heres your finale. Thanks for coming.

Slinky has found out Crystal is also at the fashion show so she wastes no time ruining Mary's day.

Don't be down! Go have a look at the other women and you'll feel better.

Crystal's busy running up charges on Mr. Haines's account 

What do you mean by "Can we throw in a facial and some botox?"

I've still got a nice figure when I stand with my hands like this and wear feathers at a certain angle.

Leave her alone Slinky, she's trying on clothes for her next trip into 1888.

Mary gets her first look at Crystal.

I felt the same way when I saw her too!

Joan is standing there looking all Peyton Place. 

And we're back at the spa where Slinky is being tortured and hopefully getting her spine back in alignment.

I've never looked like this while working out. I think theres something mentally wrong with Sylvia.

Either that or those bows she wears are made of concrete.

Her sidekick shows up and it's obvious their bodies aren't made for the gym or chairs or .....

standing like normal humans.

or sitting down. I think they need medical attention.

The Haines scandal has made the paper. I bet that Hedda Hopper was behind this one.

Mary packs up her belongings and signs divorce papers 

Then she gets a lovely box with a corsage from Mr. Haines. Which is a nice gesture so perhaps they'll get back together.

Well, he certainly deserves a divorce AND Crystal.

This is all very sad then theres that gorgeous monkey vase, the one thing her husband didn't take for some odd reason.

We're on the divorce train to Reno.

Mary brought along Peggy who's getting a divorce too. 

Theres a whole train full of them! Perhaps the divorce train to Reno only runs twice a year.

Apparently when you get a divorce in this movie you are thrown down a worm hole where you end up living with Ma Kettle on a dude ranch. 

I have a suspicion that this one wasn't dressed by Adrian.

Countess Lave has gotten herself duded up while poor Peggy is still trying to keep from falling over.

Paulette has already found herself a new man which is really no surprise after seeing that fabulous outfit.

And whats even better is the ladies find out it's Slinky's husband that Paulette has stolen. 

And here comes Slinky! Right of the stagecoach and into the fun zone. 

She's already found out that Paulette has stolen Mr. Slinky. (Why don't these people ever ride fast horses?)

This is why wearing shorts to ride horses is never a good idea.

Cat fight! 

With Slinky's total lack of balance I'm doubting this fight will last long.

That is just ridiculous  

One of these ladies has rabies, one is awkwardly optimistic and the other one is going to have a baby. Yippe! This dude ranch is fun.  I hope we get to see a good game of horseshoes.

Peggy is pregnant and heading back to her hubby. 

Which gives Mary the idea to call Mr. Haines.

Things start off okay but then she get the news that Mr. Haines is off to Canada to marry Cruella.

I've never been a fan of gingham but it's perfect for when you want to just disappear.

Let's check in with Crystal. Yep, she' still a mess. Who eats, smokes, uses the phone, and reads while in a bathtub with an electric mirror dangling over them?

Well okay, it's less like a bathtub and more like a vessel of tackiness.

Little Mary has overheard Crystal talking to another man. And it's Countess Laves latest husband. Apparently this town only has about 6 men 

Slinky shows up looking thinner and taller after her biting spree.

She's making Joanie sweaty and angry which is not a good look on her. 

She's gone and lowered the sails and she's going to ride that thing off into the sunset.

Heres that beautiful vase again. It really doesn't look that bad with flowers in it. 

Paulette obviously never recovered from the rabies! Poor thing.

Mary, not wanting Paulette to feel bad about growing fur, grabs a polar bear.  (I hope that dude ranch got shut down right after the day spa)

Little Mary lets it be known that theres trouble in paradise over at Casa de Tacky. 

It's time for her to go get her husband back!  I just hope she wears a hat.

All of the ladies are present and Slinky is still a mess in 40 yards of netting.

The best way to get the word out is to tell Hedda Hopper

Then throw Slinky in the closet before she bites someone.

I would love to have been there when Crawford saw the dailies and her back fat.

Countess Lave has gotten the news that Crystal has taken her latest husband. 

Then we find out that the man is broke.  I hope that dress is paid for! It's so fabulous, it would be a shame to lose it.

Darling! Come to me before you get a look at Paulette. She's had her rabies shots and she's now on the prowl.  How do you like my hair?

The Women Fun Facts:

When George Cukor was fired from Gone With the Wind he agreed to direct The Women

In addition to it's all female cast, every animal shown in the film is also female.

Sydney's, the beauty salon in the film was named after MGM's chief hairstylist, Sydney Guilaroff.

Rosalind Russell claimed in her autobiography that she called in sick until Norma Shearer agreed to share top billing with her.

Myrna Loy was originally considered to play the role of Crystal Allen that went to Joan Crawford.

F. Scott Fitzgerald contributed to the writing of the screenplay.

This film was Butterfly McQueen's film debut.

Joan Fontaine is the oldest living survivor of the films main cast.

I hope you enjoyed this review of The Women.  I'm off to read the other great reviews but hopefully I'll see you back here on Monday for my photo review of "The Gorilla".

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